Iron deficiency can be a problem in children because it can affect their growth and cause iron deficiency anemia or a decrease in the number of red blood cells in the body.
If iron levels are low, your little one will tire easily, thus affecting your body’s performance when your little one is at roroslot school. Lack of iron intake can also cause concentration problems, a shorter attention span, and poor academic performance.
To get optimal benefits from iron, Mama can serve your little one protein foods such as chicken, beef, eggs, chicken liver and fish. Apart from that, Mama can give milk which is rich in iron.
Mama can also get iron from vegetable protein such as some green vegetables, but the iron content can only be absorbed by 3-8% by the child’s body.
Another important nutritional need for children who are starting school is prebiotics FOS and GOS. This prebiotic content is needed by your little one to get optimal growth.
Fructo-oligosaccharide (FOS) and galacto-oligosaccharide (GOS) prebiotics have been proven to be effective in increasing the number of beneficial good bacteria in children’s intestines.
When the digestive organs, including your little one’s intestines, work well, this can help improve their immunity. This has a positive effect, namely that children are not susceptible to disease.
The intestines house 70% of the body’s immune system. If your little one’s intestines are not in good condition, the child will be easily attacked by bacteria, viruses and bacteria that can cause disease.
Basically, what your little one consumes can have an impact on his immune system.
Taking prebiotics can help reduce inflammation, especially in children’s guts, and strengthen the immune system by changing the balance of gut bacteria between beneficial and potentially harmful ones. Maintaining a good balance of gut bacteria can help protect your little one’s body.
Well, your little one can also get prebiotic content from the assistance of Nutrilon Royal 3 milk as a provision to continue winning at every step. Nutrilon Royal 3 milk is equipped with the ACTIDUOBIO+ formula, which is a combination of the highest FOS:GOS ratio of 1:9 and clinically tested with omega 3 & 6, iron and DHA which helps support children’s growth and development, immunity and thinking power.